Rosemarie Veldt

ILRCC VERIFIED INTRESTS: enjoy doing crafts, spending time in nature, photography, cooking, and baking. LOCATION: no prefrence SCHEDULE: during the days and weekends CONTACT:

Funmi Fajolu

ILRCC VERIFIED INTRESTS: cooking, cleaning, taking long walks, leisure/recreation activities, swimming, and gym. LOCATION: no prefrence SCHEDULE: overnights, weekends, and holidays CONTACT:

Susanna Boakye

ILRCC VERIFIED INTRESTS: fund raising, being outside, baking and cooking. LOCATION: no prefrence SCHEDULE: During days, Evenings, overnight, and weekends. CONTACT: 587-664-2295  ...

Disha Patel

ILRCC VERIFIED INTRESTS: I enjoy watching movies at the theatres, hiking, cooking, bowling, and dancing. I am intrested in socializing with people through various activities. SCHEDULE: Available evenings, overnight, weekends, and holidays. LOCATION: No prefrence...

Susana Boakye

ILRCC VERIFIED INTERESTS: My interest is fund raising, being outside and trying new things. Cooking and baking is something i really enjoy. SCHEDULE: Available during thr day, evenings, weekends, and overnight. LOCATION: No prefrence CONTACT:

Charlotte Ngwanya

ILRCC VERIFIED INTERESTS: Cooking, reading, swimming, and car rides SCHEDULE: Available days, Evenings, Overnight, and Holidays LOCATION: Located in NW calgary, willing to drive 20 mins 639-4701900...
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